Put Accuracy Into Action

 You want to get back to your favorite activities and people – and that starts with feeling confident in your COVID-19 status.

Make the best decisions for yourself and those around you with the help of our BIOCARD® Pro COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test, which ensures fast, highly accurate detection, including the Omicron variant.

Covid-19 Test


Identified negative cases 100% of the time compared to the standard of care RT-PCR test (NPA).1

Breadth of Detection

Our test can detect previous and newer variants of COVID-19, such as Delta, Omicron and Deltacron,– so you can identify a positive COVID status sooner and be confident in negative results that allow you to return to normal life.


Picked up positive cases in 86.7% of symptomatic patients within the first 9 days of symptom onset compared to the standard of care RT-PCR test (PPA).1

Higly Accurate

Easy to Use

Quickly test anytime and anyhwere by performing a simple nasal swab, and get your results in just 10 minutes.

Unique Test Design

Other tests simply dip or swirl the nasal swab in the buffer solution. Ours ensures high accuracy by leaving the swab in the solution – allowing it to process for two minutes before dripping the sample onto the proprietary test card.

Covid-19 Test Instructions

With BIOCARD® Pro Rapid Antigen Test,
trusted results are just a test away.