Identify H. pylori with certainty-and with ease.

Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is associated with gastroduodenal diseases such as active chronic gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Untreated infection also increases the risk of stomach cancer.

Product Package for the H. Pyori Test Kit

H. Pylori infection is the most common chronic bacterial infection in the world: more than 50% of the world’s population suffers from H. Pylori infection.Our Biocard™ tests are easy to use and highly accurate.

Biocard™ H. Pylori IgG Rapid Test

Biocard™ H. Pylori IgG Rapid Test is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the detection of H. Pylori IgG antibodies from serum or whole blood samples. This noninvasive serological test is useful in first-step screening. It is not interfered by antacid medication or antibiotics, unlike biopsy-based tests, urea breath tests or stool antigen tests that may give false negative results under medication.

  • CE marked kits available for both home and professional tests
  • Simple and quick test procedure
  • Reliable results in less than 10 minutes
  • 95.2% sensitivity and 95.5% specificity
  • Convenient testing with only one drop of blood (10μl) or serum (5μl)

Biocard™ H. Pylori Urease Test

Biocard™ H. Pylori Urease Test is a tablet test for the qualitative detection of urease activity from biopsy or culture samples. H. Pylori produces urease that hydrolyses urea to ammonia and raises the pH of the medium, changing the color of the medium.

  • Test results can be seen in 30 minutes
  • Sensitivity 95% and specificity 98.3%